Inventory Restrictions Push from PMS to Aiosell

Inventory Restrictions Push from PMS to Aiosell

API Endpoint URL:


This API allows Property Management Systems (PMS) to push room-specific restrictions to Aiosell. It ensures that restrictions like stop-sell, minimum stay, and arrival/departure rules are consistently applied across distribution channels.

Request Format

Method: POST

Sample Payload:


    "hotelCode": "SANDBOX-PMS",

    "updates": [


            "startDate": "2023-01-24",

            "endDate": "2023-01-26",

            "rooms": [


                    "roomCode": "SUITE",

                    "restrictions": {

                        "stopSell": false,

                        "exactStayArrival": null,

                        "maximumStayArrival": null,

                        "minimumAdvanceReservation": null,

                        "minimumStay": 1,

                        "closeOnArrival": false,

                        "minimumStayArrival": null,

                        "maximumStay": null,

                        "maximumAdvanceReservation": null,

                        "closeOnDeparture": false




                    "roomCode": "EXECUTIVE",

                    "restrictions": {

                        "stopSell": false,

                        "exactStayArrival": null,

                        "maximumStayArrival": null,

                        "minimumAdvanceReservation": null,

                        "minimumStay": 1,

                        "closeOnArrival": false,

                        "minimumStayArrival": null,

                        "maximumStay": null,

                        "maximumAdvanceReservation": null,

                        "closeOnDeparture": false








Sample Response:


    "success": true,

    "message": "Inventory Updated Successfully"


Use Case

1. Dynamic Restriction Management: Ensures PMS-driven restrictions like stop-sell or minimum stay are instantly reflected on Aiosell.

2. Flexible Availability Control: Allows hotels to apply booking rules for specific room types across defined dates.

3. Consistency Across Channels: Prevents booking conflicts by synchronizing restrictions across all connected OTAs.

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