Reservation POST from Aiosell to PMS

Reservation POST from Aiosell to PMS

  • New Reservation (Aiosell to PMS)

API Endpoint URL: 

*Note: This is a sample url for reference purpose, 3rd Party/ PMS will need to create an END POINT / WEBHOOK and share it with Aiosell team*


This API is used by Aiosell to push new reservation details to the Property Management System (PMS). It ensures that bookings made through OTAs (Online Travel Agencies) or direct channels are synchronized with the hotel’s internal PMS.

Request Format

Method: POST

Sample Payload:


    "action": "book",

    "hotelCode": "SANDBOX-PMS",

    "channel": "Goingo",

    "bookingId": "111222333",

    "cmBookingId": "AAABBBCCC",

    "bookedOn": "2022-12-08 15:25:35",

    "checkin": "2022-12-10",

    "checkout": "2022-12-12",

    "segment": "OTA",

    "specialRequests": "Airport Taxi Required",

    "pah": false,

    "amount": {

        "amountAfterTax": 1204.0,

        "amountBeforeTax": 1075.0,

        "tax": 129.0,

        "currency": "INR"


    "guest": {

        "firstName": "Akshay",

        "lastName": "Kumar",

        "email": "",

        "phone": "9988776655",

        "address": {

            "line1": "51",

            "city": "Bangalore",

            "state": "Karnataka",

            "country": "India",

            "zipCode": "560035"



    "rooms": [


            "roomCode": "SUITE",

            "rateplanCode": "SUITE-S-101",

            "guestName": "Akshay Kumar",

            "occupancy": {

                "adults": 1,

                "children": 0


            "prices": [


                    "date": "2022-12-10",

                    "sellRate": 537.5



                    "date": "2022-12-11",

                    "sellRate": 537.5







Sample Response:


    "success": true,

    "message": "Reservation Updated Successfully"


Reference of values: 
  1. Action: (book, cancel, or modify) 
  2. Channel: name of channel making the booking (partner name is OK) 
  3. bookingID: unique booking ID to be decided by OTA / partner
  4. cmBookingID: is same as booking ID or NULL or some OTA may send Itentnery ID
  5. segment: can be predecided set of values that can be configured in Aiosell system 
  6. pah: True / false. (True = payment collected at hotel. False if prepaid booking) 
  7. Rest of fields are self explanatory

  • Modify Reservation (Aiosell to PMS)

API Endpoint URL:

*Note: This is a sample url for reference purpose, 3rd Party/ PMS will need to create an END POINT / WEBHOOK and share it with Aiosell team*


This API enables Aiosell to push modifications to existing reservations in the Property Management System (PMS). It ensures that updated booking details, such as check-in/check-out dates or special requests, are reflected in the PMS.

Request Format

Method: POST

Sample Payload:


    "action": "modify",

    "hotelCode": "SANDBOX-PMS",

    "channel": "Goingo",

    "bookingId": "111222333",

    "cmBookingId": "AAABBBCCC",

    "bookedOn": "2022-12-08 15:25:35",

    "checkin": "2022-12-10",

    "checkout": "2022-12-12",

    "segment": "OTA",

    "specialRequests": "Airport Taxi Required",

    "pah": false,

    "amount": {

        "amountAfterTax": 1204.0,

        "amountBeforeTax": 1075.0,

        "tax": 129.0,

        "currency": "INR"


    "guest": {

        "firstName": "Akshay",

        "lastName": "Kumar",

        "email": "",

        "phone": "9988776655",

        "address": {

            "line1": "51",

            "city": "Bangalore",

            "state": "Karnataka",

            "country": "India",

            "zipCode": "560035"



    "rooms": [


            "roomCode": "SUITE",

            "rateplanCode": "SUITE-S-101",

            "guestName": "Akshay Kumar",

            "occupancy": {

                "adults": 1,

                "children": 0


            "prices": [


                    "date": "2022-12-10",

                    "sellRate": 537.5



                    "date": "2022-12-11",

                    "sellRate": 537.5







Sample Response:


    "success": true,

    "message": "Reservation Modified Successfully"


Reference of values: 

  • Action: (book, cancel, or modify) 
  • Channel: name of channel making the booking (partner name is OK) 
  • bookingID: unique booking ID to be decided by OTA / partner
  • cmBookingID: is same as booking ID or NULL or some OTA may send Itentnery ID
  • segment: can be predecided set of values that can be configured in Aiosell system 
  • pah: True / false. (True = payment collected at hotel. False if prepaid booking) 
  • Rest of fields are self explanatory

    • Cancel Reservation (Aiosell to PMS)

    API Endpoint URL:

    *Note: This is a sample url for reference purpose, 3rd Party/ PMS will need to create an END POINT / WEBHOOK and share it with Aiosell team*


    This API allows Aiosell to push reservation cancellations to the Property Management System (PMS). It ensures that canceled bookings are updated in real-time, freeing up room inventory and preventing overbookings.

    Request Format

    Method: POST

    Sample Payload:


        "action": "cancel",

        "hotelCode": "SANDBOX-PMS",

        "channel": "Goingo",

        "bookingId": "111222333"



    Sample Response:


        "success": true,

        "message": "Reservation Cancelled Successfully"


    Reference of values: 

  • Action: (book, cancel, or modify)
  • Rest of fields are self explanatory

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